Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Hardest Of Hearts; Chapter Six.

Chapter Six - An Unexpected Party.

A/N: Hey guys! I just want to say thank you for all the lovely reviews! It make's me happy seeing them :) Also this chapter is slightly longer from the other 5, sorry about that. So here it is, Chapter 6! Enjoy!

The next few days were slightly awkward for Hermione and Malfoy. Ever since they nearly kissed in Hogsmeade, they couldn't stop looking at each other. They were sitting in the Head's common room when Blaise decided to actually say something.

"Um.. Can you guys stop staring at each other?" Hermione jumped at the sound of his voice. She completely forgot that he was sitting there at the other side of the table. She just couldn't seem to keep her eyes off of Malfoy's for long. It was really starting to annoy her. She kept asking herself the same questions over and over again. Do I like Malfoy? Do I really want to be with Blaise when I can't get his best friend out of my mind for two minutes? Do I even want Ron anymore? Her head began to hurt so she leaned back again the chair and rubbed her temples, closing her eyes. A few minutes later, she glanced at Blaise to see that he was looking at her, a questioning look on his face, "What?" Wa all she could say.

"Nevermind." Blaise said, flipping a page of the book he was studying. Hermione couldn't study right now. She closed her book and stood up, stretching. The two boys looked up at her when she headed toward the mini kitchen. "I'm getting a drink." Was all she said, as she disappeared through the door. She boiled the kettle and made herself a mug of Hot Chocolate. This always seemed to calm her down and remove her headaches. She took a sip and sighed. She stood there in the kitchen, leaning against the counter for a few more minutes, trying to clear her head again. When she wasn't getting any progress, she groaned in frustration and screamed. A second later both boys were in the kitchen by her side, looking around the room.

"What happened?" Malfoy asked.

"Why are you screaming?" Blaise said a second later. They both looked at each other then turned their gazes back to Hermione.

"Nothing." She said, continuing to drink her Hot Choclate.

"Well it's obviously not nothing? You screamed." Malfoy said, matter of factly.

"I'm aware of that Malfoy." She shot back, rolling her eyes.

"Well.. Why?" Blaise asked, leaning against the counter beside her.

"I always do it if I'm stressed." She said, shortly. She gulped the last of her drink and placed the mug in the sink and turned the tap. None of the boys said anything until Hermione placed the mug back into the cupard.

"Why are you stressed?" Malfoy asked in a low voice. She turned to look at the both of them and said "Because of boys." She walked by them and went back to the seat that she was sitting in before she left for the kitchen. The followed her in a minute later and they also took their seats. None of them pressed the matter any further. Blaise left about 15 minutes later to gather the rest of the prefects because there was a meeting being held in Hermione and Malfoy's common room. Blaise arrived back 20 minutes later with Ron, Hannah Abbott, Trever Birch, Miles Bletchley, Susan Bones, Luna Lovegood, Ginny Weasley, Lavender Brown, Diane Carter, Rachael Codnor, Ritchie Coote, Jimmy Peakes and Colin Creevey. All of the prefects took seats on the chairs and the floor in front of them while Hermione and Malfoy stood in front of the fireplace.

When Hermione had everyone's attention, she began speaking. "Okay, so as you all know, we are coming closer to the Christmas break when most of you will be returning home to be with your familes. Well Dumbledore wants us to have a special ball called the Winter Dance the night before everyone departs." Hermione paused as all the girls in the room began to giggle and whisper. Malfoy rolled his eyes and picked up from where she left off.

"We have the option of making this ball happen. It is now up to you lot. We are going to make a vote. All in favor of the Winter Dancem raise your hands." Immediately, all the hand's belongging to females shot up. Ron, Colin, Trever and Jimmy's hands also raised. "That settles it then. The dance will take place in the Great Hall the night before everyone goes home." Malfoy finished, turning to Hermione to tell her to continue.

"It's now up to us to sort out everything; decorations, food, drinks, music. Now myself, Draco and Blaise-" Hermione was cut off by Malfoy.

"Did you just call me Draco?" He gaped, his mouth hanging open. She turned to look at him.

"Well yeah, it is your name?" She replied, confusion filling her face. He nodded and then she continued.

"Anyways as I was saying.. Myself, Draco and Blaise have already made banners and flyers earlier on today. It's your job to hang them around the school to let all of the 6th and 7th years know. We have one week to sort everything out, so come see Draco and I before breakfast in the Great Hall tomorrow morning so we can give you the banners. Now any questions?" Hermione smiled, looking from face to face. Ginny's hand flew up into the air.

"Yes, Ginny?" Hermione asked.

"I was wondering, are we doing a certain theme or anything? Like dress wise?"

"What do you mean?" Lavender asked.

"Like colours. As in all of the girls have to wear one colour and all of the boys wear another?" She suggested, grinning. Hermione thought it over for a minute.

"That's a good idea. All in favor?" 9 hands shot into the air. "Okay, so it's now colour themed. Anyone have any suggestions for colours? Now we strictly only want basically two colours." Hermione said. The room was quiet for two minutes before Malfot spoke.

"How about girls wear red and boys wear white?" Hermione turned to look at him with a huge smile on her face. "That's brilliant!" She beamed. He smiled at her enthusiasm. "All in favor?" He asked. Every single hand in the room was raised.

"Perfect!" Hermione chimed. She was really looking forward to this now. Suddenly she frowned. "Damn it. I knew we should of waited to make the banners." She picked them up and showed the group. "We're going to have to make new ones." She stated. A moment later, everyone was getting to work on them. Hermione was sitting with Malfoy, Ginny and Blaise in the center of the room on the floor in front of the fire place. She glanced up at the clock and froze. It was 5 minutes to midnight. Oh God, she thought as she jumped up. They had been working for two hours straight.

"Is everyone nealy done? It's nearly midnight!" She exclaimed.

"I think we should make a night out of it!" Blaise suggested. Everyone looked at him, blank expressions filling their faces. He continued, "You know, we should all just sleep here and finish the banners, have a drink and a laugh?" Pretty much everyone agreed and all heads turned to Malfoy and Hermione. She looked at him for help but he just shrugged.

"I'm up for it if you are." He said raising his eyebrows, daring her. She smirked then said, "Bring it on." The room cheered as they all stood up.

"Okay, I'll go get drinks. Lavender, Ginny and Susan, you three go get sleeping bags for the girls. Trever, Colin and Miles, do the same for the boys. Anyone have music?" Blaise asked.

"I have muggle music." Hermione said, grinning.

"Perfect! Go and get it! When you all get what you need, come straight back here. Do not go wandering anywhere else. If we get caught, we are fucked." Blaise warned as he, and six other sudent's left. Hermione sprinted up to her room and retrieved her stereo and CD's. She heard a cough behind her and turned, knowing that it would only be one person. "May I help you?" She said, smirking.
"I'm surprised you're letting this party go down, to be honest." He laughed.

"You basically dared me to say no. I had to prove you wrong now, Didn't I, DRACO?" She retorted, sticking her tongue out. He laughed.

"I always knew there was a snake inside you somewhere Granger. Come on." He smirked, pulling her arm. By the time they were back in the common room, all of the boys were back. They were still waiting on the girls and Blaise. A second after Hermione was thinking about this, The girl's entered with Harry beside them.

"Harry!" Hermione chimed, running to hug him.

"Her 'Mione! Ginny invited me along. Hope that's okay?" He asked, smiling.

"Of course it is! You can help with the banners too." She made her way back over to where Malfoy was sitting on the floor and sat beside him, picking a banner up to examine it. Blaise returned a few minutes later with five crates of Butterbeer and five crates of Firewhiskey. Everyone gasped when he came through the door, the levitating crates in front of him.

"What?" He asked, amused but proud. "If we're going to make a night out of it, I thought we might aswell party!" He stated. Everyone laughed and began taking drinks. Hermione placed a silencing charm around the Head's common room and played her music. Half an hour later, all of the banners were finished. Hermione was full of glee as she examined them. They were all prefect! This is when Hermione let the party start properly. Everyone was dancing, drinking and having fun. Hermione headed into the kitchen to get some nachos for everyone. She stumbled and nearly fell, but arms came around her waist just before she hit the ground. She couldn't stop laughing.

"Woaah.. Calm down Granger. People might actually think that Miss goody-two-shoes is drunk." He taunted, a wicked smile on his lips. In fact, Hermione was drunk. Very drunk. She laughed again.
"For your information, Sir, I am not a goody-two-shoes. I am far from it, actually." She raised her eyebrows in a suductive mouth opened a little bit. Did he hear her correctly?
"Oh? How so?" He asked, leaning against the counter.

Hermione stood in front of him and pressed herself against him. She felt Malfoy's body freeze against hers. She stood up on her toes so she could reach his ear and whispered. "That's for me to know and for you to find out, sexy." That got him going. She was backing away, but he pulled her back against him. He looked into her eyes for a second then pplaced his lips on hers. He deepened the kiss straight away and she pushed herself closer to his frame. They kissed for what seemed like an eternity but it was actually only a few seconds. Hermione pulled away, looked into his eyes and said one word that ruined the moment. "Blaise." She walked back into the common room and found Ginny. She grabbed another Firewhiskey and started dancing with Ginny and Harry. Malfoy moved to the doorframe to watch her. He couldn't help but smile at the sight. She was so cute, he thought. His smiled faded quickly though, as Blaise came up behind her and spun her around. She nearly fell again, of course, but Blaise stedied her and placed his lips on hers. Hermione really got into it, because she wrapped herself around him, deepening the kiss herself. Malfoy felt a pang of anger and immediately wanted revenge. He stormed into the common room, his gaze resting on Lavender. He knew Hermione hated her, so she was perfect. He closed the distance between them and spun her around. She looked at him with a confused look on her drunk face. He took one last look at Hermione to see that she was looking at him with curiousity. He smirked then placed his lips on Lavender's, pulling her closer. Hermione's mouth fell open, as did pretty much the rest of the room. She felt a pang of anger run through her. How dare he kiss me then kiss that stupid bitch! This is like Ron all over again! She turned around to see Ron staring at them with amusment. He then shrugged and grabbed Luna into a tight embrace, immatating what Malfoy and Lavender were doing. She felt her chest close up, her heart aching. Two of the guys I have feelings for are kissing two girls that I hate. She felt tears in her eyes but blinked them back. She turned to Blaise and jumped up on him, wrapping her legs around his waist. She kissed him like she never kiss another boy before. They both came up for air a minute later, gasping.

"Bloody hell, Hermione!" Blaise whispered in her ear. She smiled as she glanced at Malfoy. He was staring at her, his mouth hanging open. She kept her eyes on him and moved her lips slowly to Blaise's ear. "Let's go to my room." she whispered, nibbling his ear. Jealously was written all over Malfoy's face. Good. I'm glad, Hermione thought. Blaise pulled his head back to he could look at her face, as if to ask was she being serious. She nodded and he carried her towards the door that leaded to her bedroom. As they went by Malfoy, she gave him a look of digust as her eyes shifted to Lavender then back to him. She shook her head at him just as the door shut.

They were gone, Malfoy thought. The girl I have strong feelings for and my best friend. Gone. To her bedroom. This cannot be happening! My God, Draco, you are so stupid! Why did you have to go and snog Lavender? Why? Just why? He groaned as Lavender slipped her arms around his waist. He shot her a fake smile then told her that he was going to the bathroom. He walked though the door that lead to his bedroom but walked straight by the bathroom and stopped outside Hermione's door. They didn't put a silencing charm on her room. He could clearly make out Hermione's moans and Blaise's heavy panting. He stood there in the hall, not wanting to believe it. They were having sex. He felt utterly defeated. He was beginning to get lost in hos own thoughts when the sound of Hermione screaming in pleasure brought him back to life. Her stormed away from her room and headed back to the common room. He looked at the clock and realised that it was now 4am. Shit, he thought, we have to be at breakfast in three hours. He sighed then sat on the floor infront of the couch were all of the prefects were. They had turned the music off now and they were all lying around talking. Malfoy tried his best to join in but he couldn't. Lavender sat beside him, and rested her head on his shoulder. He suddenly heard a door open and looked up to see Hermione walk in in nothing but underwear and Blaise's top covering her. Blaise entered right behind her, shirtless. All of the guys in the room wolf-whistled at him and Hermione blushed. She didn't look at Malfoy once. Probably ashamed, he though. Yeah that's it, she's ashamed. She headed for the kitchen and disappeared through the door as Blaise sat down with Susan and Colin. Malfoy was getting ready to jump up and follow her, but Harry got there first. Damn it, he thought. He got up anyway and made his way over to the kitchen but stopped just outside. No one had noticed that he had left the group, they were all too caught up in Blaise. He heard the conversation going on between Harry and Hermione.

"What was all that about Hermione?" Harry asked, amuzment in his voice.

"What do you mean? He is my boyfriend afterall. I can have sex with him you know." She said, shortly.

"I was watching you the whole time in that common room, Hermione. You and Malfoy." Malfoy stiffened at the mention of his name. It took a few minutes before Hermione replied.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh yes you do! Don't play dumb with me, Hermione Jean Granger! You like him, don't you?" Harry asked.

"No." Hermione said shortly.

"You do. It's so obvious. And he clearly likes you too. The way you were both looking at each other. Especially when he kissed Lavender. Your face dropped. And then when you kissed Blaise, He looked like his heart had just been ripped out, Hermione." Harry informed her. Before Hermione had a chance to reply, Malfoy walked into the kitchen. He looked at Hermione and in that moment, she knew that Harry was telling the truth. He looked broken. He got a glass from the shelf and poured himself some water from the tap. Hermione was about to talk to him but he cut her off by shaking his head. He left then and Hermione could hear the door leading to his room close. Harry took one last look at her before leaving and said. "I rest my case."

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